About Us

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Along with partners in Malawi, SMMHEP is proud to launch 'The Malawi QuickGuide to Mental Health' aimed at healthcare professionals with little to no experience of managing mental illness or distress.  The global pandemic has galvanised its completion due to the likelihood of increased rates of mental illness during and after the pandemic and the predicted need for healthcare professionals to cross cover different specialities.  SMMHEP is grateful for the very significant contribution of Dr Donncha Mullin who took the lead in writing and editing the Guide and in coordinating a very successful Malawian press launch.  Many thanks also go to Owen Mwale, Atupele Milanzi and Rob Stewart for their roles in editing and translating the Guide into Chichewa, organising for it to be printed and then distributed to over 600 health centres and managing the press launch logistics.   Many thanks also to The College of Medicine at the University of Malawi, St John of God Hospitallier Services in Lilongwe and Mental Health Users and Carers Association (MeHUCA).