Depressed mood
- Have you been feeling unhappy or sad? Kodi mumakhala osasangalala kapena osakondwa?
- Have you lost interest or pleasure in the things you usually enjoy? Kodi chinakuchokelani chilakolako chopanga zinthu zomwe zimakusangalatsani?
Suicidal thoughts
- Have you ever thought about trying to end your life? Kodi munayamba mwaganizirapo zochotsa moyo wanu?
- Do you feel nervous, tense or worried? kodi mumakhala ndi nkhawa, mantha kapena madandaulo?
Elated mood
- Are you happier or more cheerful than usual? Kodi mukumakhala okondwa kapena osangalala kwambiri kuposa nthawi zones
Strange experiences, beliefs and behaviour:
- Sometime when people are stressed they can have strange experiences. Has anything strange or unusual happened to you? Nthawi zina anthu akamasowa mtendere amatha kuona kapena kukumana ndi zinthu zodabwitsa. Kodi chilipo china chilichonse chodabwitsa chomwe chinakuchitikilani?
- Did you ever hear things that other people couldn’t such as noises or voices of people whispering or talking? Munayamba mwamvapo zinthu zomwe ena samamva monga phokoso, kapena anthu akunong’onezana kapena kuyakhula?